Digital Inclusion

We are currently delivering two projects in this area. Digital ambassadors, in which we are training 9 digital ambassadors, who upon completion of their training will be able to support various communities in London. Apart from the digital skills training, we offer them free phone credit, free sim cards and phone data and devices that are subject to availability. This is to ensure that they are connected and be able to support their communities with the much-needed digital skills and knowledge.

We are currently running digital inclusion projects that focus training communities to gain basic knowledge and skills of using computers and the internet. This is to increase communities’ access to digitally available services and increase their access to employment and other economic opportunities.

Our digital inclusion programs recognize the widening digital skills gap between our communities, hence introducing a digital ambassadors project. Under this project, we train the trainers and equip them with basic computer and internet skills.

These trainers are drawn from diverse communities and tie them to specific community or faith centres, where communities meet for assistance and service. And they continue strengthening. their people with digital skills and train as many as possible.

Because digital exclusion is a multidimensional phenomenon, we structure our training to address the lack of digital skills as well absence of community networks and structure. So, offering community activism workshops and seminars to our digital ambassadors enables them to understand how various communities experience digital exclusion, and what are the driving forces that would be different across various communities and societies.

We’re also delivering an introduction to computers to over 20 participants from across London. This training is short compared to digital ambassadors’ one but focuses only on computer and online skills. This project targets young adults, and women who usually are highly likely to suffer digital inclusion. We train them to use computers, office applications, online search engines and online safety and security.

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Our other projects

Community Journalism

We recruit, train, and support individuals to gain journalism and multimedia skills and qualifications to become local Community Journalists thus diversifying voices, views, and representation of our communities.

Community Conversations

We organise and facilitate community conversations to facilitate meaningful engagement, deliberations, decision-making by our communities in exploring and responding to issues affecting them.

Digital Storytelling & Media Literacy

We provide training, resources, and connections for individuals and communities to use technology to tell stories, amplify their voices, and to build the capacity of local communities.

Training & Courses

We provide community focused face-to-face, online, and hybrid courses in community journalism, community conversations, digital and multimedia skills, media literacy, among others.

Community Studio

We provide space to the community who share common interest in media ,storytelling and create expression The platform offers creative expression, social change and contributing to a more inclusive participatory media environment